The Bike Dreams cycling tour came to an end in Barcelona just over a week ago; seems like almost another lifetime given the charming weather the UK is experiencing at the moment…bring back the heat wave of the Spanish Pyrenees aye!


One afternoon, about two days before we rolled into Barcelona, I was spending the day in the firetruck and hence had a few moments to spare. What better way than writing a few lines of poetry to thank everyone on the Bike Dreams tour and read aloud at our farewell dinner in Barcelona. Below is what I came up with – enjoy!*





All the way from Nice to Barcelona,

87.75 legs spun over and over.

Up, down, and through the Pyrenees,

We cycled lots of km’s thanks to Bike Dreams.


The many adventures came both thick and fast,

Thankfully the headaches of Hotel Anis were soon in the past.

At half six or seven we had brekkie each day;

Many preferred the latter time slot way.

Muesli, nutella, bananas and bread;

Sometimes we were lucky and even had eggs!


An organised frenzy soon took place around the campsite,

Tents, mats, and bags packed away in the morning light.

Eager cyclists were soon riding away, 

Ready to take on the challenges of another day.

Very lucky with the weather we were,

Only a few days of rain to make us feel ‘brr’.


The record heat wave of the Spanish Pyrenees,

Saw us melt in the sun and bought us to our knees.

Definitely ready to call it quits and throw the towel in,

The cycling spirit ensured each stage was finished on more than a whim.


As we climbed, the siren of the fire truck would cheer – 

It was definitely loud enough for all to hear…

A lot of teamwork and effort went into lunch,

As a result, the cyclists always had something to munch.

Richard, the ladies plus the Van of Bob, 

Seemed to be able to handle the ravenous mob.

Cheeses, meats, and salads galore,

We also had an occasional nutella war.


Dinner was always a feast with seconds for all;

Kudos to the chefs and their selection calls.

We were then treated to dessert by Rossanna –

Add in lots of vino and we were soon singing ‘hosanna’.


The time would then come for Captain Wilbert to chat to the group – 

“Good evening peoples – the day of tomorrow we have mountains and a loop”

Enquiries regarding vital issues were usually made – 

The marmot moment and were lunch was to be laid.


Starting on La Bella, an award each day was meant,

For either an honorable, funny, silly or memorable  event.

For example, Nina rode an extra 32km before the lunch spot in the hills,

All due to blind faith in Richard and Tomas’s interesting navigation skills.

We also had highway and tunnel removals by police;

A pity Gill couldn’t bat his eyelids to bring about peace!

The marmot went from one riding buddy to another,

The strength of new friendships turning a stranger into a brother.

Drivers, cooks, and others took part,

To share around the important marmat.


As Barcelona drew nearer and nearer,

The swearing at the Garmin grew clearer and clearer…

A mini tour through the Andes will see an adjustment to the route,

In time for the next Le Grande Boucle des Pyrenees group.


So, it is with a heavy heart that we pack away our bikes,

And wave farewell to each other during the long Spanish nights.

A massive thank-you to all on the bike dreams tour, 

It has been a blast and much better than any brochure, I can assure! 


Aurevoir for now, adios amigos,

Until we meet again,

Take care, be safe, and ride happy 




* Disclaimer: I do not hold any type of qualifications in poetry and do not pretend to be a poet. The above are merely simple musings from a KISS girl. All characters and references are not fictitious and are based on real events. However, in some cases, artistic license has been used.