Green Cape vs. Red Cape

With everything, it is not so much about finding the balance, it is about finding that sweet spot for you at this particular time in your life. You will continue to grow and change, and hence you sweet spot will continue to change.

James Pawelski tells us that we all have an ability to wear a red or green cape. Our red cape helps us to stand up for injustice, and provide assistance those who are physically ill or have a mental illness. Positive psychology helps us to wear our green cape – it challenges us to grow, flourish, build resources and mental health, and be happy. It isn’t enough to simply use our red cape, we need to use our green cape to ensure healthy, thriving and competent individuals. We need our capes to collaborate.

Barbera Fredrickson emphasises that it is important to prioritise positivity rather than valuing happiness to an extreme. Prioritising positivity is associated with smiling, expressing appreciation, an ability to stick with introducing a new behaviour, physical activity and health, and savouring.



Brain regions that are involved in mindfulness:

  • Attention control
  • Emotion regulation
  • Self awareness

Mindfulness has been used extensively to treat mental illness e.g., Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Dr Itai Ivztan highlighted regular mindfulness practice also builds mental health e.g., positive emotions, meaning, self-awareness, trust, and a sense of humour!

Have you ever said “I tried sitting and breathing once – it wasn’t for me”???…. This is the same as going a really bad first date and claiming that “romantic relationships are not for me!”. There are so many different types of mindfulness and meditations you can try, simply get in touch if you are interested.

“You intentions set the stage for what is possible. They remind you from moment to moment of why you are practicing in the first place… I used to think that meditation practice was so powerful… that as long as you did it at all, you would see growth and change. But time has taught me that some kind of personal vision is also necessary.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

It is important to set your intention for your mindfulness (and any type of) practice. If you plant an avocado seed, do not expect a mango tree… What is your intention for your (mindfulness) practice?? Also remember that Mindfulness is not an island, it is a part of your life. You practice for 10mins etc, and then this flows into life, apply to life.


Until next time,

Ride with a smile, ride with purpose, ride in the moment,
